Offered October 4 at 8:30 am in Cataumet. Click here to register
This 3 hour course will provide participants with a thorough understanding of how to properly site a solar system, evaluate the customers’ needs for energy and to accurately put forth a presentation on system size and cost. This course builds the case for implementing energy conservation and efficiency prior to or in conjunction with the solar installation.
The course covers net-metering, inverter technology, panel technology, racking types, choosing the best installer and ownership model, zoning issues and structural evaluation in different wind and snow loading areas. We will also cover how renewable energy fits into HERS and the new energy code.
Cost per participant: $30
Preregistration is required. Click here to register
MA Construction Supervisor License CEUs awarded: 3
[Code Review (0.5 hour), Energy (2 hours), Business Practices (0.5 hour)]